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The Eye Care Professions
 This article reviews the differences between Optometrists and Ophthalmologists in both training and practice. It will help the reader understand why one doctor may say the patient has normal vision, while a second doctor believes the patient has sigificant vision problems.
A Randomized Clinical Trial of Treatments for Convergence Insufficiency in Children
 This is the first randomized clinical study to demonstrate the effectiveness of office-based vision therapy. Office-based vision therapy was compared to Pencil push-ups and placebo vision therapy. Neither Pencil push-ups nor placebo vision therapy were effective treatments for convergence insufficency.
Hidden Vision Problems May Block Learning
 This is an article written for teachers explaining the relationship between vision and learning It includes a discussion of both visual efficiency and visual information processing problems.
Classroom Management Suggestions
 Suggestions for classroom manangement of learning related vision problems.
 Golf Game
 2 golf game samples
National Institutes of Health News Story on Convergence Insufficiency
My Fox Philly News Story on Convergence Insufficiency Treatment TRial (CITT) Results
Randomized Clinical Trial of the Effectiveness of Vision Therapy for Convergence Insufficiency, Archives of Ophthalmology 2008
Vision Screening Report
 Template to report results of vision screening.
Flawed Statement on Vision Therapy and Learning
 Response to American Academy of Pediatrics Position Paper
CI Symptom Survey (CISS)
Syllabus for self study
 Handouts and Worksheets for Vision Therapy
 Worksheets that can be used for vision therapy procedures
 Adult Vision Survey
 Pediatric Vision Survey
A-DEM Test Plates
A-DEM Norms
 Systematic Review VT for CI
VT for CI in Young Adults
Long Term Effectiveness of VT for CI
Prevalence of Vision Problems Concussion
Day 3 Handout for ABI
Visual Processing Handout_3 Day Course
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